Good News Club®
Good News Club® is a weekly fun-filled club for children aged five to twelve years old. They are held wherever children can easily and safely meet with their parent's permission such as in a school during lunch time or after school, in a community home, hall or church. There is no charge for children to attend.
Trained leaders present exciting Bible lessons and missionary stories with action songs, games and memory verses, applying God's Word to the children’s lives. After school clubs can add a snack time and extra games to the program.
Parents, school teachers and others have given us positive feedback of the effect the Clubs have had on children’s behaviour and lives. Many adults and teens have reported that they came to know the Lord at a Good News Club.
Teaching materials to evangelise and disciple children in a Good News Club are available from our resource centre or lending library. CEF staff can also provide training to enable leaders and helpers to run the clubs.
If you desire to reach children in your community with the Good News of Jesus, a Good News Club is the way to go! Contact CEF for more information.