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New Testament

Each series includes full colour flashcards, visuals, lesson text, review game ideas, questions, and other helps.

Life of Christ 1

This six-lesson series covers the annunciation; the faith of the shepherds and wise men; Jesus’ teaching in the temple and His baptism, temptation by Satan and choosing of the 12 disciples. Children learn to let God guide them, share the Gospel, worship God, follow Jesus’ example of obedience, resist temptation and commit their lives to Him.


6 lessons

Jesus: God of Power and Glory

Lessons cover the teachings of Jesus, Jesus calming the storm, Jesus feeding the 5,000, Jesus offering hope to a Samaritan Leper, and Jesus revealing His great plan to His disciples through the transfiguration. The lessons show the children how our all-powerful Savior has made a way for them to be forgiven and have a relationship with Him. (Replaces Life of Christ 3)


6 lessons

God's Plan in Action: The Early Church

Introduce children to the exciting narratives found in the Acts of the apostles! In God’s Plan in Action: The Early Church, Children will learn about God’s protection and provision in the days following Christ’s resurrection along with basic apologetics of why we believe Jesus rose from the dead. They will learn about the Holy Spirit’s work in the lives of believers, how they can stand strong in the midst of persecution and more.


6 lessons

Great truths in the book of Romans

Six lessons explaining in simple terms some of the great doctrines in Romans.


6 lessons

Jesus: God Who Cares for People

The series begins with Jesus’ miracle at the wedding in Cana and covers the salvation of Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, and the healing of the nobleman’s son and blind Bartimaeus. Children learn that Jesus is the almighty God who can save, loves and keeps His promises.
(Replaces Life of Christ 2)


6 lessons

Jesus: God Who Saves

This six lesson series covers the final days of Jesus' life on Earth from his triumphal entry to his death, resurrection and ascension. These lessons will help children see and appreciate who Jesus is and what he did for them.
(Replaces Life of Christ 4)


6 lessons

God's Church Expands: The Ministry of Paul

This series encourage children to be bold witnesses for Christ. Following Paul’s missionary journeys and people he met, these lessons look at how God’s message could not be stopped. Lessons cover Paul’s encounter with Elymas, Paul and Silas praising God even while in prison, Paul’s sermon to the people of Athens and God keeping his promise to Saul even through a shipwreck. The series also includes a topical lesson on the Armour of God and a mission themed party club.


6 lessons

© 2018

Child Evangelism Fellowship of Australia Ltd

Western Australia Division

CEF WA Office

287 Hawtin Rd FORRESTFIELD WA 6058

Phone: +61 (0)8 9453 9403

Susan: 0424 403 760

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